Dietitian Gianna Blog

Searching for answers to your GLP-1 questions? You’re in the right spot!

If there’s one thing I can’t stand, it’s misinformation. Here we will dive into your GLP-1 questions, so you can know what’s safe and effective for you while you’re on your GLP-1 journey. We’ll cover the best tips and tricks to help you reach your GLP-1 goals.

Gianna Beasley Gianna Beasley

Types of Bowel Movements and Why They Matter

As a registered dietitian, I am here to let you know that your bowel movements matter! How often you have a bowel movement and what it looks like are both indicators of your health and can warn you to look further into your gut, lifestyle, and overall health if you are having issues.

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Gianna Beasley Gianna Beasley

5 Foundational Pieces in Your Healing Journey

You may have started your healing journey years ago… or you may have started it days ago. When you start on your healing journey doesn’t matter. Keep reading below to learn more about the 5 foundational pieces in your healing journey.

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Gianna Beasley Gianna Beasley

Menstrual Cycle Basics with a Registered Dietitian

Knowing and understanding your menstrual cycle is essential as a woman who is navigating her own health journey. In today’s article, I will be breaking down menstrual cycle basics and what you need to know from a registered dietitian.

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It's a beautiful day to be kind to yourself ®


It's a beautiful day to be kind to yourself ® 🍊